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Day 1

About Event

Venue: TBA

Event coordinator: TBA


Introduction by iGEM Ambassador Jeevan Subodh.


This will be a 15 minute introduction to what iGEM is and what it stands for!

Jeevan Subodh


Jeevan Subodh B. is a 4th-year undergraduate student pursuing Biology at the esteemed Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.

He joined the iGEM team of iGEM IISc 2022 with the aspiration to explore new realms of biology and actively contribute to their advancements. His involvement with iGEM surpassed his expectations, providing valuable experiences in Wetlab skills, fostering teamwork, and honing problem-solving abilities.

Motivated by the vast potential of synthetic biology and the transformative impact it can have, Jeevan Subodh enthusiastically decided to become an ambassador, aiming to raise awareness about the significance of SynBio and promote the learning opportunities offered by iGEM.
